RoboShadow Blog

Mid Quarter Review + 188 New Updates

Written by Terry Lewis | Mar 4, 2025 11:16:50 AM

Please see below an update for everyone on the progress this quarter. Right at the bottom, you will find a snippet from the updates we sent to the Product Insiders group. You can see in that list where the progress stands on the Q1 goals (Which are going really well)!

Mid Quarter Review

We have pushed a significant amount of functionality before the end of the year and spent most of January tidying up the bits you all found and wanted changed. As you know, we turn around super annoying issues quickly, regardless of our obsession with meeting our end-of-quarter goals, so please keep the feedback coming.
The 188 items released so far this year in releases 177 - 180 (Link Here) represent a lot of fixes for the massive amount of functionality we introduced over the New Year. This has put us slightly behind—we were 50% done halfway through the quarter. However, we’re heading into a period of concentration risk as we approach the end of the quarter (i.e., a lot of things needing to be released at the same time). Ultimately, we will have to push some releases into early April but for those desperate to get access to betas, we can provide early access once they’re ready (like we did last quarter).

All in all, things are progressing well. We’d rather dream big and carry some items over if needed but we are keen to get this quarter wrapped up. Aside from the LAN Scanner re-architecting (which will start in April), this quarter rounds off most of the main functionality needed to keep our SMB, MSP, and Enterprise customers happy. Engineering an AI pentest has been a massive challenge (its moved along quite a bit if you want another play in Beta), but we’re getting there. We’ve also identified a major upgrade to Cyber Heal that requires an agent release, but should fix the majority of the EDR download failures. Finally, integrating all the Compliance Framework technology has been “fun,” but we are making great progress.  If anything is likely to slip into April it will be the External Scanner upgrades, and some of the compliance framework stuff.
The only other thing slowing us down is our rapid growth at the moment. As you know, we are highly customer experience-obsessed, so handling new users and onboarding is certainly a challenge—but a welcome one.  However, this is allowing us to grow the team and build more tech so “the more the merrier”.
My team and I would like to thank you all for your continued assistance, guidance, support, and general good vibes. We work around the clock to deliver this platform, and financial gain isn’t our primary motivation—your continued input keeps us all going! 😊



Q1 Goals Update

Things going well:
  • Tenancy level AutoFix rules is progressing well,  this will save our MSP customers a boat load of time.
  • The AI Pentest Product Refactor is going well and on track, and producing some great results (feel free to try in Beta).
  • The complete reporting refactor that will move everything to the back / produce custom reports is moving along well.


Low Lights:
  • We have identified a big Cyber Heal change we want to make; around a lot of the download / AV blockage issues this is a big gain but will take a bit of work.
  • We have to do a fairly large agent release,  which isn’t the end of the world, but we have to put a lot of effort into testing and phasing the roll out.
  • Generally, we built a lot of functionality last quarter which has just needed some polishing,  which has taken more time than we wanted It to (and there still is some more to go)

AV Integrations Updates:

  • WithSecure tuning
  • Acronis Cloud Protect added
  • Bitdefender tuning
  • Cylance added
  • Dupe Threats
  • Enabled Windows Defender vs 3rd Party
  • HP Wolf added
  • Huntress added
  • Norton tuning


Q1 Goals Progress Update

The table below shows you how far each our goals has progressed so far:




Azure AD Creds Removal

Ability to remove Azure AD credentials without faff


Agent Deletion & Mgmt.

Better management of deleted devices and tracking


Winget Database refactor

Upgrades to the Winget DB to improve matching 34%


Update / Fix Retries

Retry update jobs on failures (8% increase)


Cyber Heal Reboot

Ability force a reboot after Cyber Heal Install


AD OU Filter

Ability to filter On-Prem AD agent by OU


Nuke Old Profiles

Binary scanner can nuke old profiles via Cyber Heal


Device Level Suppression

Ability to omit certain devices from report (i.e own device)


Platform Speed Upgrade

SQL Query Optimising Upgrade across the board


Agent Self-Destruct Button

Ability to tell agents to Self-Destruct


SQL'ise Payments

Reverse our awful decision so we can make SQL joins


Stripe Payments Refactor

Current nuances / gripes with payments


New Mac Agent V3

Updated Mac agent to pave way for Cyber Heal for Macs


Fuzzing API Endpoint Roll Out inc. POST

Speed and Security Testing Continously on our own APIs


Mac Data Reporting

Adding Mac Data to main report reporting


AI Pentest v1 release

LLM over RoboShadow data in the form of a Pentest


Intune Risks & Compliance

Intune Risk Compliance Data Dashboard


Quick Scan

Ability to do a quick IOT scan without Vulnerability Scan


Remove branding from reporting

For branded accounts complete removal of RoboShadow


3 Risks added to Cyber Heal

Windows Updates, Firewall, Benchmarks Added


Benchmarks Cyber Heal AutoFix

Add Benchmarks to the AutoFix process


Bring your own MSI / EXE

Refactor to make it easier to itterate your own switches


Final Qualys & Nessus Comparison

Final upgrade to benchmark by 98% to Qualys / Nessus


Web Scanner Authenticated Scans

Add Authenticated scan capability to web scanner


Tenancies Refactor

Upgrade to resolve work around within Tenancies


Out of Support OS Management

Add OS version and more support for EOL operating systems


Cyber Reporting to Backend

Enable automate email reporting and lighten frontend work


Binary CVE Reader

Parity with Qualys / Nessus / Defender


Tennant Level AutoFix

Allow the auto heal rules to work at a tenant level


Winget MS Data Back Valued Adjus.



Reporting "Overall Scoring"

Scoring System and Progress for Cyber Reporting


Suppression Expansion

Add MFA & Encryption to Suppression Options


Benchmarks Production Go Live

Go live with current dataset into production


Cyber Heal Uninstall After

Force an un-install of other App after an install


SSL Integration

Integrate the SSL scanner into the External Scanner


Winget Expansion

Add our own library including Adobe titles


External Scanner Refactor

So all multiple scans run at the same time


Windows Update Refactor

Move to Powershell to eliminate false positives


Compliance Reporting

CE, ISO, NIST, SOC2, Essential 8 etc Reporting Exports


Mac CVEs into PSA

Add Mac Vulnerabilities to PSA Ticket reporting


Central Cyber Heal Logs

Ability to check all Cyber Heal logs centrally


Active / Passive Web Scan

Ability to perform active / passive web scans


Web Scanner Sub Pages

Be able to scan sub pages of sites a different web scans


Auto Allocate / Deallocate Licenses

Ability to automate license Deallocation / Allocation


Merge 365 Account Syncs

1 place to manage all of your 365 Sync settings


Combined MSP Dashboard

Allow Combined Org Data for MSPs


Binary Reader Reporting

Including the Binary Reader data in reporting & PSA


Add Charts and graphs to reporting

General graphical addtions to the reporting


Auto Fix Suggested Profile

Suggest profile of autofix rules to add


188 Tickets Completed in Releases 178 – 180


In the last few releases we have focused immensely on bug fixes, but there are a few highlights below. You can see the breakdown of the tickets within the table below.

  • We have added the ability to obfuscate data via CTRL SHIFT ALT M.
  • New On-Prem AD Sync is now live
  • A load of updates to help you cancel LAN Scans in progress (More still to come!)
  • Multi-Delete Added to Devices page so you can multi-delete lots of devices
  • Click here to see full list.



If you have any questions about our latest release, or anything else at all please feel free to reach out to us: