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Cyber Security Platform

The RoboShadow platform allows companies, institutions, and individuals to get an internal and external 'Vulnerability Assessment' daily.

Our Cyber Heal  AutoFix functionality will also automatically remediate the vulnerabilities found by RoboShadow.

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Cyber Heal 'AutoFix'

Remove 80% of Remediation via Automation

Using our Cyber Heal technology, our AutoFix process remediates issues across the estate automatically whilst updating your PSA / Help Desk System . 
  • Update over 7000+ Applications from Microsoft Winget Repository.
  • Rapidly uninstall unwanted or unsecure applications.
  • Manually update less popular titles using your own MSIs / EXEs.
  • Change Cyber Benchmark configuration to meet compliance standards.
  • Update Firewall and Anti-Ransomware settings.
  • Automate all the Cyber Heal tasks in the background with AutoFix
  • Log any AutoPilot fails into your Service Desk System / PSA for a follow-up.




No Vulnerability Left Behind.

in our External 'Attack Surface' Scanner
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Simply enter your IP Addresses & Websites, and access a dashboard that gives you a detailed report of vulnerable ports, IPs, CVEs, and  Website Vulnerabilities. From this dashboard, you can easily monitor and prioritise your top vulnerabilities so you know what needs immediate attention.

Our system automatically scans and sends results directly to your email every day.

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Find the weak link. 

LAN scanner

The RoboShadow LAN Scanner performs a device discovery scan on your local network, followed by a full vulnerability assessment across the whole network subnet.

The LAN Scanner shows you what devices internally are vulnerable and reveals where the bad guys could hide if they get in. The scanner helps you understand and manage your internal attack surface and covers the following scenarios:

  • What vulnerable IoT devices could a hacker hide in?
  • Are your networks open (flat), or are they properly segregated?
  • Which network equipment has exploitable vulnerabilities?

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LAN Scanner


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Strengthen Your Defenses in Real-Time.

The 'Zero Trust' Approach

Detailed insights into key Zero Trust counters: Device Vulnerabilities, Antivirus Status, OS Updates,  Benchmarks & Config, Encryption Status, Hardware Information, and Software Patching.

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Device Vulnerabilities


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OS Updates 


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Device Encryption 


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Centrally Keep Tabs on Your Security Benchmarks.


Security configuration, or “hardening” as it is called, can be a semi-daunting aspect to manage. However, outside of known vulnerability exploits, exposing a weakness caused by poor configuration are the next major threats you must cover.
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every Anti-Virus on the planet .


RoboShadow integrates with just about every AV on the planet and allows you to centrally manage the core fundamentals to check if it’s turned on, and if it’s updated etc.

RoboShadow integrates with Zendesk, Jira, Windows Defender, Malwarebytes, CrowdStrike, ServiceNow and more!

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The Microsoft Essentials Security Hub.

Sync with Defender , Intune & 365

Easily link data from Microsoft 365, Intune, and Windows Defender into RoboShadow. Pull in MFA authentication, Intune device insights,  and  track  Defender vulnerabilities.  You can even roll out RoboShadow to your whole estate using 1-click via Intune.

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Altogether in One Report. 

Ultimate Cyber Report

Wrap up your dashboards into a customisable & sharable report via PDF. This feature effectively packages all your cybersecurity insights, metrics, and analytics into a single, cohesive document.
We also can supply CSV files for your whole estate,  APIs, and Sync via PSA / Ticketing Systems. 
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Our Free Tier is named as "Worlds best Cyber Free Tier" as 90% of our product is included. We provide you with the tools to be able to successfully manage and enhance your security.


  • External IP Attack Surface Scan
  • Website Security Scanner (OWASP)
  • Windows CVE Reporting
  • Integrate fully with 365


All Community features plus AI tech, continuous scanning, 1-click fixes, Shodan integration, attack mapping, and priority scans. £20/month , £1 per agent

£20 / mo + £1 per agent

  • Cyber Heal ‘AutoFix' (£1 per agent)
  • RoboGuard Vulnerability Alerting'
  • PSA & Ticket Integration
  • Realtime Agent Reporting


Includes all features of 'Cyber Professional' plus an advanced governance team layer, specifically designed for higher-level teams requiring enhanced oversight and management capabilities.

£200 / mo

  • Account Manager
  • Cyber Governance Support
  • Yearly Penetration Test Support


Seamless PSA Ticketing Integrations

for Total Cybersecurity Control.

RoboShadow integrates with Zendesk, Jira, Windows Defender, Malwarebytes, CrowdStrike, ServiceNow and more!



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Continuous Cyber Scanning

Continuously Scan your attack surface every day and get alerts with any new vulnerabilities. 

Meet your obligations for various Cyber Frameworks to demonstrate you perform continuous vulnerability scanning across your entire estate. 


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'Stand Alone' Tools Within The Platform.


MFA is the "lowest hanging fruit to attack.” That's why robust MFA Auditing is crucial.Our MFA Non-Conformance Report tracks compliance, including:

❍ Guest User MFA Reporting
❍ Global Admins Compliance
❍ Update Reboot Reporting
❍ Azure AD Reconciliation

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Domain Enumeration 

The Domain Enumeration feature allows users to quickly identify all subdomains and backend systems associated with their main business domain, highlighting potential security risks.

By scanning these often-overlooked areas, users can gain insights into assets that may be vulnerable to attack, such as test environments and staging servers. This free tool in RoboShadow’s platform empowers businesses to secure their digital infrastructure more effectively and proactively.

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OS Updates

The OS Updates dashboard provides an overview of critical and security updates, rollups, and drivers across devices.
It highlights devices needing reboots, tracks update status, and allows admins to manage system security, ensuring devices remain up-to-date and compliant.
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As Seen On YouTube


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@RoboShadow • 2.91k Subscribers • 51 videos

Through YouTube, we can connect with our community and provide in-depth tutorials on getting the most out of RoboShadow. If you have any questions or suggestions for video content, feel free to reach out to us at Hello@roboshadow.com.

What Our Clients Say...

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Showing Proof to Your Clients , Regulators & investors

Compliance Reporting


Around the world, we all have different ways of proving our Cyber Security posture. For many businesses, using a good governance framework is a great way of proving to your customers, regulators, and investors how seriously you take your cyber governance.

RoboShadow has a compliance engine built within the platform, allowing you to export evidence data for a whole host of cyber governance frameworks including but not limited to:

• Cyber Essentials (UK)
• Essential 8 (Australia)
• SOC 2 (Worldwide)
• ISO 27001 (Worldwide)
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Our Blogs & Extra Resources

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Cyber Platform
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